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La Salle (2018)
Teacher Advisors:
1. Mdm. Agnes Ammal Thasan
2. Mdm. Santhi Marimuthu
Office Bearers:
1. President : Cheng Alan
2. V. President : Harish Raghavendra Singaravalu
3. Secretary : Rashvain Nanaseakaran
4. Assist. Secretary : Avery Hui Wai Lun
5. Treasurer : Alfred Allan M. Chanmugam
6. Committee members : Suhan Raj Ramesh (F4)
The Paulian La Salle Confreres organised a number of activities throughout the year 2018. Our members were given the opportunity to participate in all the activities to foster unity and better understanding among the members. During the Form One Orientation our teacher advisor gave an insight on the history of St. Paul’s Institution and the legacy of the La Salle Family. Master Naavinesh also talked about his participation and experience in the 11th Asia Pacific Lasallian Youth Congress. He represented Malaysia in the Youth Congress which was held in Manila, Phillipines from 9th - 13th December 2017. The young Paulians were inspired by his speech and were proud to be a part of the Paulian Family. In conjunction with Founder’s Day, a 'Go Green' programme was organised to instil love for mother nature. Trees were planted around the school compound. In addition, a drama on humanity was performed by the School Drama Team. Other 'Reach Out ‘programmes such as ‘Feeding and Visiting the Poor’ were carried out as part of the society’s activity.
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