This Web Page Created By
Briged Bestari (2018)
Teacher Advisors:
Mr Selladurai Palani
Pn. Maizatul fadhilah
Low Chee Hong
Mayvin Lim Mohan
Assistant Secretary:
Jeevanraaj s/o Thayanithi
Thu Xing Xiang
Committee Members:
Form 1: Pavithirans s/o Batumalay
Form 2: Benjamin Teh Jin Hong
Form 3: Jassven s/o Ksavan
Form 4: Thevadarshan s/o Vasuthevan
Form 5: Yugadevanaikar s/o Beddan
Throughout the year 2018, the committee successfully carried out all the activities as planned. The Annual General Meeting was held on 10th January 2018 at the SPI Computer Lab. New committee members were elected and the members listed some activities to be carried out throughout the year.
The activities carried out throughout the year are as follow :
1. Scratch competition. Members of the club were taught to use the “Scratch” application to create astounding 2-Dimensional animations. There were no hurdles faced by the members as the Scratch application was concocted with a user-friendly interface. The members were required to create their own animation and the winner would be chosen based on their creativity.
2. Computer Components. Members of the club were also taught the components inside a computer. The components were also explained in detail to allow the members of the club to have a better insight into the world of technology. They were also asked questions about the components to concoct a vivid explanation.
3. Powtoon Competition. The members were also taught how to use the user-friendly application, Powtoon which was thought by Pn Maizatul. The Powtoon application is used to create staggering 2-Dimensional animations. The members were also required to create their own animation in not less than 5 minutes. The winners were judged on their creativity.
4. In the month of July, our club in collaboration with the School Resource Centre carried out the PSS & ICT Week successfully monitored by Mr Sella the school ICT teacher. Various activities were held throughout the week such as Photo Editing Competition, Powtoon Competition, Race Typing Competition, Scratch Competition and Assembly Quiz. Attractive prizes were given to the winners of each competition.
5. The members of the club also went on a trip to the UTAR University College, Kuala Lumpur and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kajang to learn more about the advanced making of absolute Graphics, used in applications and video games.
All the members showed full commitment and were actively involved in all the activities that were carried out throughout the year. The teacher advisors, Mr Sella and Mdm Maizatul and committee members hope that the incoming committee will continue to be more active in the following years. Lastly, the committee would like to thank all the teacher advisors for their guidance.
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