This Web Page Created By
Yuen Xin Hui (2017)
WYSIWYG Web Builder
Tennis (2017)
Teacher Advisors:
Miss Hardeepak Kanda
Mdm. Batumani Sinnathambi

Captain :
Darvin Daasan a/l Kalidasan
Vice Captain :
Roger Christien a/l Robert Anthony
Secretary :
Suria a/l Vedaiyan
Assistant Secretary :
Srivaen a/l Vadivellan

The Tennis team of SMK St Paul participated in the MSSD tournament held at
‘Kompleks Sukan Belia Paroi. The competition was from the 26th to the 28th of April 2017.
Darvin Daasan was selected to represent the school for the MSSNS competition. The
Tennis team will continue to participate in all competitions in the coming years. We hope to
bring glory to our school.

Prepared by
Suria a/l Vedaiyan