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Mathematics Society (2017)

Throughout the year 2017, the committee successfully carried out various activities. The annual General Meeting was held on 11 January 2017. New committee members discussed the activities that would be carried out for the year.
Among the activities carried out were Calculator Quiz, Mathematics Quiz, IQ Puzzle, "Gotong royong", Treasure Hunt and Building a House model using recycle items. Members were divided into five groups and the group which won the games received prizes.
The teacher advisors and committee members hope that all members, including the new ones participate in all activities and are committed to the society. The committee members would also like to thank the teacher advisors for all their support and guidance throughout the year.
Teacher Advisors
1. Puan Siti Noraisah binti Mohd Nazri
2. Cik Noraziah binti Mat Hussin
Tan Wei Guang
Vice President:
Manesh a/l Jayabalan
Hussein Faaiq bin Safiullah
Assistant Secretary:
How Sheng Xiong
Sudata Tan Teck Guan
Committee Members:
Roshan Saravanan
Zefri Zaki
Chen Jun Win
Lim Gene Hone