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History Club (2017)

Teacher Advisors:
Madam Siti Azirah Abidin
Madam Noradaizah Ithnin
Heyman Kumar a/l Ravindran
Vice President:
Shireetzharana/l Muthappa
Meeramanalan a/l Chandrasegaran
Asst. Secretary:
Muhammad IzharImzan
Sharma a/l Sathis Kumar
Committee Members:
Vimalarasu a/l Sugumar
Darshan Kumar a/l Kesavan
In the year 2017, the committee successfully carried out a variety of activities. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Wednesday the 11th January 2017. New committee members for the term 2017 were elected. We may have only 32 students but they really enjoyed participating in the activities that were suggested by them on the first day of the meeting.
During all meetings, all students took part and all activities were well-managed. The activities that were held were:
•Treasure hunt
•Traditional game (‘kabadi’,‘ting-ting’,‘batu seremban’and chinese chess)
•Visiting the school “tower”
It is hoped that there will be more active involvement from all the members in the upcoming year.
Prepared by,
Siti Azirah Abidin
Teacher Advisor