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Barnitus (2017)

Head Of Advisors :Mdm. Ng Siew Pin
Teacher Advisors :Mdm. Suhana Hussin (K),Mdm. Ruhainis Ibrahim,Mdm. Mazyla Mokhtar,Mdm. Nur Juwaini Arshad
Mdm.Teoh Kwee Choo,Mdm. Nor Hafini Yusuf,Mdm. Agnes Ammal Thasan,Mdm. Siti Azirah Abidin
Ms. Hardeepak Kanda,Mr. Mohd Narakna Hassan,Mr. Raventheran A/L Manikam
Mr. Che Mohammad Rahim (K),Mr. Abdul Kadir Mohd Omm,Mdm. Ain Aisyarina Hamadin
Mdm. Rostina Muhiyudin
House Captain: Murugappan A/L Nachiappan
Vice Captain: Amirul Arief Mohd Rosli
Secretary : Thanes A/L Sivaneswaran
Treasurer : Iman Muqrish Muhammad Nizam
1M1S Captains : Badminton - Calven Tan
Basketball - Lim Zheng Jie
Futsall - Venkaettesh A/L Logananth
Form Represntatives : Form 6 - Goh Yee Sam
Form 5 - Srivaen A/L Vadivellan
Form 4 - Damian Chiong Zhen Hao
From 3 - Kartik Raj A/L Raman
From 2 - Thuscenndar Arul Prakash
From 1 - Jayden Lee
The Annual General Meeting was held in January to elect the new House Captain and committee members for the year 2017. This was followed by the preparation for the Cross Country and Annual Sports Day. Training sessions were held once a week on Mondays from January to March.
Heartiest congratulations to all the dedicated teacher advisors, committed committee members, aspiring athletes and students of Barnitus House who contributed much during the sports activities in 2017.
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