This Web Page Created By
Wushu (2015)

Teacher Advisors
Mdm Norlita bt Ariffin
Mdm Teoh Kwee Choo
Mdm Suriati bt Abu Bakar
Siew Fong Mun
Vice President
Saw Jay Leon
Edmund Oui Wei Siang
Asst. Secretary
Russel Tan Kar Joon
Kwan Ting Liang
Council Members
Aw Ming Shan
Loh Yen Shen
Chong Jim Jun
Tan Chen Lung
Bryan Ng Say Ho
The Annual General Meeting was held on 8th January 2015 .Registration for new members from Form 1 was carried out and a short briefing was given by the president.
Activities throughout the year:
.Performance during the Chinese New Year celebration
-A few Wushu club members were chosen to perform in the event.The performance was a great success.
.Practices on alternate Wednesdays
-The practices were led by two experienced coaches from the Chin Wu Association and were carried out at the foyer of the school hall.
.Grading examination in August 2015
-It was carried out at the foyer of the school hall and the judge was the president of the Chin Wu Association. All the club members participated in the grading examination and were called out individually to perform the skills according to their level.All the members performed well.
We sincerely hope that more potential members will join our club in the upcoming years and bring us more awards and trophies.
Prepared by,
Kwan Ting Liang