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Ninjutsu (2015)

President : Ryan Chin
Vice President : Aaron Daniel
Secretary : Gan Guan Fu
Treasurer : Lai Wei Hong
Asst Instructors : Prashant Raj
Praveen Raj
S. Kaysern Kumar
Ivan Wong
Committee Members : Junior Wong Teck Khai
Joel Wong
Hemanarth a/l Anamaly
Augustin Ho De Jian
Jude Pinto
For the session 2015, various activities were held. The annual general meeting was held in January to elect the new committee board. The Ninjutsu Society has proven to be an active society over the years, providing essential lessons for students as well as seniors. Classes are held every alternate Wednesday with extra classes on Sundays. The duration for each session is 2 hours.
Sensei Low Kin Wan as the 3rd Dan Black Belt holder leads most of the training sessions with the help from his senior students. Currently, the society has grown to accommodate over 50 members ranging from Form 1 to Form 5. Students are taught various skills on defence and movements. The society hopes that the lessons will be an upper hand for the students when they are out in the real world.
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