This Web Page Created By
John (2011)
Teacher Advisers
Pn. Jamaliah binti Hussain (ketua)
En. Poon Kah Leong
En. Selladurai Palani
Pn. Faridah
Pn. Khor Youk Lin
Pn. Fadzalah binti Khamis
Pn. Yeo Pick Ling
Pn. Shamini
House Captain: Prashan a/l Thanggam
Vise Captain: Yan Chan Hau
Secretary: Rahmathunnisa
Treasure: Ashwini a/p Munis
Committee Members: Form 5: Dinesh Raj
Form 4: Dilip Vijayan
Form 3: Agilan Sethupathy
Form 2: Sujey Subramanian
The Annual General Meeting was held in January 2011 to choose the house captain and the committee members for year 2011. Meeting and sport practices were held in preparation for the Cross-Country Race as well as the Annual Sport Day on Sports Day.
John House recoved 2nd. place in March past competition and overall John House emerged as 4th. Place. We as the John Team would like to thanks our teachers, committee members, athletes and everybody who contribute to our achievements.
Good luck and the team looks forward to a better ranking next year.
Report by,
( Secretary of John House )